On "30 Rock" this week, James Franco guest starred on an episode titled, "Klaus and Greta"; during the episode, one of the characters referred to him as a "movie star"...the same term that was used by producers of "General Hospital" when he recently guest-starred for a number of episodes.
Now, while Franco has been in a number of movies including the "Spider Man" series, do people really consider him a "star"? And just because he has been in movies, does that make him a "movie star"? Does that make Shannon Tweed, B-movie extraordinaire, and Jenna Jameson, porn legend, "movie stars" as well? After catching a few episodes of "General Hospital" as well as this week's episode of "30 Rock", I am not even sure if I would call him an actor. Heck, Jenna Jameson may even be a better actor. And "General Hospital" wonders why their ratings didn't see much of an increase, if at all. The good news is that since I sing some of the top songs on the charts in the shower, I am now apparently a "hit singer".
It's because he's hot. Very nice to look at but dumb as a stump. That's how we ladies like 'em. Kinda like Jenna Jameson. Well, actually she's pretty sharp compared to him. Rule of thumb - The acting doesn't matter when they're hot. Why do you think I love Twilight so much? I don't really care that the acting is horrible. Just want to stare at Robert Pattinson for two hours. Call me Mrs. Robinson.