Okay, so perhaps the title of this blog entry is a bit misleading, but if I learned anything when I was in marketing, it was to get the customer's attention. And let's be honest, I am like the Iraq War of 2003...shock and awe.
This week, the USA Today ran a story about on sex on TV and how it has become much more risque in recent years. Thankfully, the article mentions that the increase in sexual material on television has been, "evolutionary, not revolutionary".
Unfortunately, on the other side you have people like the Parents Television Council who thinks that we are ruining our children and that the long term effects may be extremely bad. Don't they realize that, like the USA Today article states, "TV mirrors real life"?
Have most parents not seen that children are having sex earlier and even worse (at least for the girls) that most teenagers don't consider oral sex to be a big deal? Taking this story in a different direction now, I am not granting the music, movie, and television industry a free pass, but there are a few larger issues that America needs to face.
First, it is time for parents to actually parent their kids. Stop being their best friend...that is what they have little Jimmy or little Suzy for. You are the parent and it is up to you to tell your kids what they can do, what they can watch and most importantly what morals are.
I often hear teachers speak to how parents expect them to do the parenting; what happened to parental responsibility?
I listen to groups like the Parents Teacher Council and other stick-up-their-a-- agencies blame the media for all of problems with kids today. Guess what? If parents simply took control of the situation, we probably would not see girls wearing skirts so short that you can see their va-jay-jays, we would not have girls providing the Monica Lewinsky special to boys at Bar Mitzvahs, and we would most likely see less sex occurring amongst young kids.
The second issue we must face is that sex isn't bad. Sex at a young age is not ideal, but seeing a little nudity on television or in cinema is not going to cause little Jimmy to yank out his wanker every time little Suzy walks by; little Jenny is not going to spread her legs for every little Bobby that smiles at her. Does anyone not see that America's repressed sexual nature has caused us nothing but trouble?
Look at Europe where nudity is everywhere...in newspapers, in commercials, and on many public beaches. Now look at some interesting facts:
1) Outside of the Russian Federation, the U.S. has the highest pregnancy rates amongst developed countries.
2) Per capita, the United States has the 9th highest number of rapes in the world with all of Europe below
If Republicans could simply come out and actually say that sex isn't liken to the devil, perhaps we wouldn't have government officials tapping their feet in the bathroom nor them having extra marital affairs as if they were popping Pez and most importantly perhaps kids wouldn't be so interested in having sex.
Just think: if parent acually parented their kids and the Religious Right and others stopped telling kids to be ashamed of their bodies and that sex is the devil, don't you think we think we might start seeing the problems with kids and sex that we have today dwindle just a bit?
Nudity isn't bad. Nudity isn't the devil. Nudity won't send you to hell. And for sex? Sex is good (at the right age).
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